In A Time of Crisis
offer financial support to the families of the WTC attack victims,
"The Greatest Bars and Restaurants on Earth", a coalition
of NYC food-service establishments, is holding a drive to raise
money for the September 11th Fund.
drive runs from September 24 to October 24, 2001. Participating
establishments agree to donate 1% of their total sales for the
period to the September 11th Fund, which was started by United
Way and the New York Community Trust to assist families of victims
of the WTC attack. (For information, please visit www.uwnyc.org
or call (212) 251-4035.)
businesses will receive a poster to place in their front window
(similar to or the same as what will be seen in print ads) with
the name of the coalition and information on the fund-drive,
so people will be able to easily identify participating establishments.
Information on exactly where and when to send donations will
be provided when the posters are distributed, just before the
drive begins.
will also be promotion donated by major media outlets with information
about the drive and the names and addresses of all participating
restaurants, organized by borough, so that people will be well
informed and have a reference to hold onto for which businesses
are participating in the drive. Restaurants who choose to sign
up after the drive has started will receive a poster for their
window and benefit from ongoing publicity efforts to keep the
public informed and participating.
sign up your business please contact Marly Hornik at (212) 460-1770
or marly@marlyhornik.com
and leave a message with your name and contact information.
Someone will call you back shortly.