Hall of Fame
Rockabilly Roundup Vols. I & II
the great swing and big band recordings of the 1930s and '40s, some
of the best rockabilly of all time was captured in the studio several
decades ago. There was a quallity of musicianshipin the olden days
that is all too rare in modern times. Still, a handful of greasers
and country crooners across America continue to create some excellent
Rockabilly Hall of Fame (located in scenic Appleton, WI) gives listeners
the best of rockabilly, both past and present, on two compact discs
that will make your stereo speakers melt. Rockabilly Hall of
Fame Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 (sold separately) bring you classic
recordings from the likes of Glen Glenn and The Maddox Brothers
as well as new music from Bill Haley's Comets, Highway 13, Di Maggio
Brothers, Billy Swan, and many more. Each volume is jam-packed with
27 tracks of solid, rockin' tunes. Although they may be hard to
find in stores, you can order these discs directly from the Rockabilly
Hall of Fame at
Even if you're not interested in the compilations, the site is well
worth a visit. It lists more than 5,000 artists and includes links
to many of their Web sites, as well as reviews of shows, insider
tidbits and more.
Nori Negrón-Casimiro